




  1. Wow, James! Yours looks like is would be hot! I'm not sure if it's because of the images or what, but I like it! I enjoy the placement of the green color, that is nice! I also like that your paint is shiny! I should have done that to mine! Lastly, your shape leads the viewers very well! Successful!!

  2. This is so cool! I love the colors and the shape. It's really interesting and makes me think of the ocean. The texture is really cool and adds depth to the form. It's extremely successful for this assignment. I'm always amazed at your work.

  3. I really like how your colors flow throughout your form. I agree with Jaden this definitely reminds me of the ocean. I think you did a really great job!

  4. I felt like there should have been an emphasis catching a persons eye to make it travel around the object. The Green and blue is complementary to each other. The two colors really created the sculpture's hierarchy come out from every angle that you turn the sculpture. The green really helps the flow of the eyes. The blue really gives the piece depth and and the green really balances the piece. The sculpture has repetition around the lower end creates rhythm as it travels around the piece making it have unity.

  5. Hi, James! Your cool toned color palette complements your form well – the implementation of the bright green along the exterior planes encourages the eye to follow the entirety of the form. Your form also has an incredible sense of movement – almost in the manner of ocean waves. I think you were very successful with this assignment!

  6. james,

    your sculpture has a lot of movement into it, and the placement of space create a lot of volume. however. i feel like it would add more texture if you added a lot more stripes or splotches. i do enjoy your color pallet though. it gives off more of a glowing effect because of the vibrancy of the piece. this is very successful! great job!

  7. The color works really well with the form, it really makes me want to pick it up and spin it around to see all of it. It looks almost like it came out of the ocean!

  8. James this looks great! Your use of color really helps the form and the sculpture to be visually interesting! It’s good because the form itself is very intricate and really leads the viewer to look at it from different angles.

  9. Hey James. Nice work. I know the weight of the plaster on your very open form was causing some breaking and unwanted sagging of the foam- I'm glad the plaster helped stabilize a bit more when it cured. The form itself has a fair amount of movement- it is somewhat linear, so most of the activity is visible from 2 angles more than the others, and when turned sideways it becomes somewhat less visually engaging. I'm having some trouble seeing the texture- partially because of the gloss paint and the flash, but I also think it might be difficult for me to decipher the intentional nature of it, as it seems relatively uniform over the entire object instead of changing or transitioning throughout the form. Making the texture stronger or deeper in some places, and shallower or smoother in others would help both the texture and the form seem more intentional, deliberate, and purposeful. The color palette works- variety in tone from dark to light helps amplify the low and high elevations of the form- consider the transitions from one color to another. They seem very striped, with hard sharp edges on that bright green- the only hard edge anywhere in the object. Consider how the texture of the edge of your color transitions speaks to the texture, and to the object overall. Consider how you might carry those similar qualities and characteristics throughout to make the piece feel more cohesive, and amplify the movement from high point to low point even more.


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